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Hard Materials Technology


In Year 7 hard materials technology this year, students will be designing and making a battery-powered toy suitable for a small child to play with.  Students will write a design plan (a brief with guidelines) and will learn how to put an electrical circuit together.  They learn to design and how to use all manner of workshop tools and equipment safey,  e.g. pop rivets, screws, coping saws, scroll saws, drill presses and polystyrene cutters.  They will also be learning to work to a deadline.


Year 8 hard materials students will be building on the skills learnt from Year 7.  All students are given the opportunity to design and make an outcome that suits their needs.  So a large amount of investigation and design has to go into a final prototype in the form of mock-ups and testing.  A design brief will be scaffolded. As the outcome starts to come to fruition students are encouraged to take components home to work on. Again students will be working to a deadline.


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