Bio Technology
Biotechnology is about the living world and how it can benefit people.
At Nelson Intermediate we are currently looking at hydroponics and how
this system of food production is efficient and can produce food crops
throughout all seasons. In following the technological process we
investigate the need for sustainability in food production and how to
make healthy choices towards food consumption.
Students plant vegetable seeds, provide support for the plants that require support and package the whole system within a particular theme chosen by their stakeholders.
Along the way students learn about the technological processes, skills and personal safety.
Electronics is a growth industry worldwide. In this subject area we start by looking at what sustainability is all about and how electronics can address possible needs for a sustainable future. We explore electricity and the physics behind an electrical circuit, the different types of circuits and where each is best used.
From here electronics is introduced. Starting with the technological “need or opportunity” for an electrical system, using LED’s and resistors, to design and manufacture an outcome.